House League and Operating Rules (General) (Lambton Shores Minor Ball)

PrintHouse League and Operating Rules (General)

2022 House League
Operating Rules



All players must play in their own age grouping unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.  see RPT1.1 Pg 20 Age and Category



In general we follow the rules of professional baseball and as modified by the most recent edition of the Ontario Baseball Association Playing Rules.  Further exceptions are listed that apply to all age divisions and on the appropriate page where they apply to a specific Division.  



          Division              Pitching Rubber              Between Bases 

          Rookie                44'                                55' (Minor) – 65’ (Major)

          Mosquito             44'                                65'

          Pee Wee             50'                                75'

          Bantam              60'-6"                            90'

          Midget /Junior     60'-6"                            90'



All regular season games start at 6:00 p.m. sharp unless scheduled otherwise or advised otherwise by the Division Convener. There will be no infield practice after 5:50 p.m (or 10 minutes before scheduled game time). Playoff game time is 6:00 p.m. sharp. Umpires will be instructed to allow a 15 minute grace period to a team not having the required number of players to begin the game.  Teams may play with a minimum of 7 players, with automatic outs for the 8th  and 9th batter….unless both teams agree to waive this rule.   Players arriving late will be added to the bottom of the batting order irrespective of the inning when they arrive


Umpire shall be the official timekeeper or the Umpire may appoint an official timekeeper.



5. LENGTH OF GAMES       (Curfew Time Limit Changes)


Full Game

Min Innings for Official Game

“No New Inning after”

Curfew Time Limit

(Game is over)

Mercy Rule per inning

Mercy Rule

Home Lead

Visitor Lead


5 innings

2 ½


1hr 30 min*


3 outs or 10 batters



6 innings

3 1/2


1hr 30 min *


7 runs in any inningdelete..”except the declared last inning”

10 runs after 4 innings

Peewee HL

7 innings

4 1/2


1hr 45 min*

2hr 15 mins

7 runs in any inningdelete..”except the declared last inning”

10 runs after 5 innings

15 runs after 4 innings
18 runs after 3 innings

(all per Baseball Ontario 2.7(g))

Bantam HL

7 innings

4 1/2


1hr 45 min *

2hr 15 min

7 runs in any inningdelete..”except the declared last inning”

10 runs after 5 innings

15 runs after 4 innings
18 runs after 3 innings

(all per Baseball Ontario 2.7(g))

Midget HL

7 innings

4 1/2


1hr 45 min*

2hr 15 min


10 runs after 5 innings

15 runs after 4 innings
18 runs after 3 innings

(all per Baseball Ontario 2.7(g))

Junior HL

7 innings

4 1/2


1hr 45 min*

2hr 15 min


10 runs after 5 innings

15 runs after 4 innings
18 runs after 3 innings

(all per Baseball Ontario 2.7(g))

(For Divisions denoted with an “*)Unless otherwise agreed to by coaches at ground rules, the game will end at the specified “curfew time limit” (eg 2hrs from the first pitch for Rookie or Mosquito) even if the inning isn't complete.  The player at bat when curfew is reached will be permitted to complete his turn at bat.  A batter will be determined to have started his turn at bat at the moment the previous batter has completed his (ie..he is called out, awarded a walk or any play as a result of his at bat has ended).  The score will be that reported at the last complete inning.


For further clarification….


Rookie and Mosquito - no new inning after 90 minutes; if game is not resolved by the 2 hour mark, the game stops dead and the final score reverts to the score of the last completed inning.


Peewee, Bantam, Midget and Jr - no new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes; if game is not resolved by the 2 hour and 15 minute mark, the game stops dead and the final score reverts to the score of the last completed inning.


In all divisions except Midget and Jr, 7-run max per inning. No unlimited runs innings.




There will be NO extra innings during the regular season. Ties will stand with each team receiving one point. Extra innings will be allowed in a playoff or tournament game.



All players participating in the House League will play a minimum of THREE innings per game. The three innings can NOT be all played in the OUTFIELD unless the player wants them to be. The only exception will be game ejection, injury or absence and in such cases it must be noted on the official Game Card. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in game forfeiture.


The batting order must ROTATE from game to game so that every player has an opportunity to bat in each position.

Every player shall have the opportunity to learn as many positions as they wish and NOT be limited to only ONE position.



No player shall maliciously run into another player. Contact is considered malicious if it involves:

  • Intentional excessive force

  • Intent to injure

  • Deliberate attempt by a runner to dislodge the ball

  • A runner making no legitimate effort to reach the base

  • A runner who could have reasonably slid or otherwise avoided contact and still reached the base


Penalty: Player is ejected from the game and declared out. This rule is to be enforced using the following guidelines:

Malicious contact is to be penalized whether committed by an offensive or defensive player. When a defensive player is ejected under this rule, the runner will be called safe or out according to the result of the play.

The ball is dead and all other runners shall return to their last legally occupied base at the time of the contact.

A runner guilty of malicious contact is out even if the fielder loses possession of the ball.

A runner guilty of malicious contact after scoring a run shall not be declared out, but is still ejected from the game.

This rule applies at home plate and all other bases.


Incidental contact between players is allowed, as long it is not malicious as defined above. The rule does not prohibit contact, but requires players to slide or make a reasonable attempt to avoid contact.


When a defensive player blocks the base path while not in the act of fielding, obstruction shall be called according to the provisions of Rule 7.06(b). If this obstructed runner collides maliciously with the fielder, he would be ejected from the game. However, the obstructed runner could be called safe due to the obstruction according to the provisions of Rule 7.06(b). 



Any Junior/Juvenile, Midget, Bantam, Pee Wee or Mosquito team that will be short of players for a game, may for that game, call up a player or players from the House League division immediately below, provided the player or players is/are registered member of the team playing out of the same park or zone. See the specific age division page for call up listings. Players cannot be called up if their registered team is scheduled to play.

The participation rule will apply: i.e. regardless of the number of players at the game, regular and call ups will play a minimum of 3 innings. Called up players are to be noted on the Game Card.


If the teams listed call ups are unavailable then that Manager may approach the next closest team to their home diamond. Once a player has been used as call up to a certain team, then that player is to be used only by that team. 



There may sometimes be a need, due to health reasons, to compensate for a child who is unable to run, bat, etc. The Manager should discuss this with the Convener, who will review this with the Board and notify all Managers, so that the Board's decision is conveyed before games are played.




Added May 2017 as per 2016 Baseball Ontario Rule Changes... At all levels of play, courtesy runners for the catcher or any other players are prohibited.

Deleted May 2017...When the catcher is on base and there are two out, then the player who become the second out of the inning may take the catchers place on the base last occupied by the catcher.  The catcher shall be defined as the player who last played the position, or the player who will play catcher in the next defensive inning. This rule is intended save time by allowing the catcher to put equipment on before taking his defensive position.



The HOME TEAM Manager is responsible for checking his/her diamond playing condition when rain occurs. If the diamond is not suitable for play, he/she must notify the Umpire Assignor and visiting team Manager no later than TWO HOURS before game time. As well, after all players are notified, The Home Team Manager is responsible for rebooking the game within 2 weeks and it must be played before August 1.  Home Team manager must confirm this with the Division Convener.    Note:  where a game is to be rescheduled, the Local Association’s Umpire Assignor and Groundskeepers should be notified by the Home Team coach.  Also see Rule 23: Rescheduling of Games



When a team has a player ejected then the ejected or injured player's spot in the batting order will be removed but not counted as an automatic out. If a team starts with 9 players and has a player injured or ejected, then they can finish with 8 but the 9th player's spot in the batting order will be an automatic out.


Players or coaches ejected from games are subject to additional suspensions (per LDBA rule Feb 2011).  see "Suspensions" below


If a player or coach is ejected, umpires must submit an LDBA Ejection Report at  with an email to their UIC.  the UIC will notify additional persons as necessary (Convenor, etc) 



An Umpire has the right to suspend a game at his/her sole discretion. This could occur when a situation arises with which the Umpire is not comfortable continuing a game. This could be caused by a team and/or its supporters. In this case, the Umpire will declare the game suspended, to be resumed at a later date, as determined by the Board of Directors in conjunction with the Division Convener. Managers are urged to avoid these situations as they are not conductive to the method of operation of London District Baseball Association and may also lead to suspensions.



Ejection from a game for a Manager, Coach, or player will result in an additional suspension as per the LDBA Suspension Rule as amended November 2015. The suspensions are to be served during the next scheduled games. Should there be subsequent ejections of the same person, the offending party will receive additional suspensions (as per the LDBA Suspension Rule) and may be asked to appear before the Board of Directors to show cause why he/she should be allowed to remain in the program.



Standings will be computed on the basis of 2 points for a win and 1 point for a tie. Ties in the standings at the end of the regular season will be broken only to determine the Pennant Winner (all Divisions except Rookie) or if they affect the play-off pairings. Such ties will broken by playing of a single game between the two teams until a winner is declared. If more than two teams are tied, a suitable formula for breaking the tie will be put into place by the Board of Directors, in consultation with the Division Convener.



No protests of an Umpire's judgment will be accepted or considered. The Manager of a protesting team shall state to the Plate Umpire ‘I Protest’ and state reasons for same. This shall be noted on the Game Card by the Umpire and signed by the Manager. The protest must occur at the time of the dispute and before another pitch is thrown. The plate Umpire will then announce that the game is being continued under protest. Separate statements from the Manager of the team involved and the plate Umpire of the game in question must be submitted in writing to the Division Convenor within 24 hours of the completion of the game in question. A $50.00 deposit must accompany the Manager's report, returnable ONLY if the protest is upheld. All decisions made by the Board of Directors are FINAL. If a protested game is to be replayed, the Board of Directors will set the time, date and place of the game.



Double Headers will only be played under extenuating circumstances and only with the approval of the Board of Directors.



The Home team will keep the official score in their Scorebook listing all players participating in the game. After the game, both Managers must sign the Scorebook. The Home Team's Manager must then call in or email the score to the Division Convener.  Any Ejections of Players, Managers, Coaches or others, are to be reported to the Convener immediately after the game.


The playoff structure for each division will be determined by the Board of Directors in consultation with the Division Conveners. 



All players will be supplied with a full uniform (including league approved hats) which shall be worn in all games played.  Coach will be provided with an appropriate team or Association jersey which shall be worn at all games played.  Repeated failure to wear a league supplied uniform item may be cause for suspension.  No open toe shoes allowed on the field.



All players in all divisions with the exception of catchers will supply their own gloves. Players in all divisions shall wear athletic supporters with protective cups. Female players shall wear pelvic protectors.

Players must not voluntarily remove the helmet. Penalty first offense - warning; second offense - ejection.


Steel cleats can only be worn at the Bantam(added for the 2019 season), Midget and Jr2 Houseleague levels. 


For Rookie through Peewee divisions….If helmet has snaps then a helmet strap must be worn


Game Balls - home team to supply a minimum of 2 new game balls for each regular season game and additional balls as required to complete the game. 




No team may cancel a game with less than 24 hours notice (48 hours for Friday/Saturday/Sunday games) for any reason, except weather.


The Home Team is responsible for making arrangements of all rescheduled games.  This is to be completed within two week of the original scheduled game and it must be played before August 1  The home team will offer the visiting team 3 makeup dates with only one of these being on a Saturday or Sunday, with the exception of teams that have Sunday as their home night.  The offered dates will be sent to the visiting coach’s and the Series Convenor’s e-mail.  The visiting coach/team has 72 hours from being offered to accept one of the offered dates.  Failure to accept one of the dates will result in forfeiture of the game to the Home Team.  The Visiting Team will accept by e-mail copying the Series Convenor.  If there is a conflict with all 3 dates, then the Series Convenor will make the decision to have the Home Team provide 2 more dates.   (Playing multiple games in one week, Monday’s following tournaments, etc. are not reasons to refuse dates)” Fines can be levied for violations.


Note:  Where a game is to be cancelled or rescheduled, the Local Association Umpire Assignor and Groundskeepers should be notified by the Home Team coach.




Managers and Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns and only if necessary contact the division Convenor, who will then consult the Board before any action is taken. The following is a list of steps which need to be taken in making a complaint:


1.  Wait 24 hours (cooling off period).

2.  Parents with a complaint are to first contact the Manager, and then if necessary the Convener. The Manager with a complaint is to first contact the Convener.

3.  Once contacted by a Parent or Manager, the Convener will attempt to contact the other party to the complaint. Convener will then explain both sides of the complaint to the Board. The Convener will advise both parties of the Board’s response.

4.  If a Parent or Manager is not satisfied after hearing from the Convener, they may submit a written complaint to the Board of Directors either by email, fax, or mail to L.D.B.A. The Board will review the complaint and provide a written response, at which point the matter is considered closed.



25.  Pitching ...see Frequently Asked Questions about Pitch Count


For purposes of this rule….a pitch is a pitch thrown to a batter that results in a ball or strike…subject to the balk rule i) below.   It does not include warm-up pitches.


Unless otherwise agreed, the Home team will be the official scorekeeper and pitch count recorder



a) Any player advancing to play in a higher series shall be restricted to the pitching rule of the series in which he/she is registered. Rookie Ball players advancing to play in a higher series cannot pitch.

b) In Minor Mosquito and Mosquito games, the number of trips to the mound by manager/coach shall not be limited except when the umpire rules that the purpose of the trip is to delay the game.

c) In Peewee Girls, Minor Peewee and Peewee games, a third trip by a manager/coach to the same pitcher in the same inning shall result in the pitcher’s automatic removal from the pitching position.

d) From Minor Mosquito to Midget and Women, a pitcher once removed from pitching, regardless of the number of trips to the mound by the manager/coach, may continue in the game at another position, but shall not be permitted to return to pitch in that game.From Minor Bantam to Senior, a second trip by a manager/coach to the same pitcher in the same inning shall result in the pitcher’s automatic removal from the pitching position. The pitcher, once removed after the 2ndtrip in an inning, may continue in the game at another position but shall not be permitted to return to pitch in that game.

e) In Junior and Senior, a second trip by a manager/coach to the same pitcher in the same inning shall result in the pitcher’s automatic removal from the playing position. The pitcher, once removed after the 2nd trip in an inning may continue in the game at another position but shall not be permitted to return to pitch in that game.


Pitch Count Limitations

f) A pitcher may not pitch more than the following limits in a calendar day. If the limit is reached while facing a batter, the pitcher may pitch to the earlier of: (i) the completion of that batter or (ii) the end of the inning.

Minor and Major Mosquito 70 pitches

Minor and Major Peewee, Peewee Girls80 pitches

Minor and Major Bantam, Bantam Girls90 pitches

Minor and Major Midget, Women 100 pitches

g) If a pitcher throws more than the following limits in a calendar day he/she cannot pitch the next day – the player must have 2 nights rest.

Minor and Major Mosquito 45 pitches

Minor and Major Peewee, Peewee Girls55 pitches

Minor and Major Bantam, Bantam Girls65 pitches

Minor and Major Midget, Women75 pitches

h) Where a team has multiple games on the same day, if a pitcher throws more than the following limits during a game or in combination of one or more games, the pitcher may not pitch again in a subsequent game that day:

Minor and Major Mosquito 45 pitches

Minor and Major Peewee, Peewee Girls 55 pitches

Minor and Major Bantam, Bantam Girls 65 pitches

Minor and Major Midget, Women 75 pitches

i) The pitching rules were modified in 2012 to change the circumstances in which a pitcher may be eligible to pitch in more than one game on the same day. Prior to 2012, if a player reaches the number of pitches that would make them ineligible for the next day, the player could still pitch later that day up to the maximum number pitches in their particular division. This is no longer the case. The table below details player eligibility.

(Examples will use the Mosquito pitch counts, adjust for your specific division)

Example 1 – 2 games in 1 day

  1. Game 1 Pitcher throws less than 46 pitches – Eligible for Game 2
    1. Total pitch count for Game 1 and Game 2 less than 46 eligible for next day unless it is third day in a row
    2. Total pitch count Game 1 and Game 2 greater than 45 pitches, pitcher not eligible for next day.
  2. Game 1 Pitcher throws more than 45 pitches – Not eligible for game 2 and not eligible for next day

Example 2 – 3 games in 1 day

  1. Game 1 Pitcher throws less than 46 pitches – Eligible for Game 2
    1. Total pitch count Game 1 and Game 2 less than 46 pitches – Pitcher eligible for game 3
      1. Total pitch count for Games 1, 2 and 3 less than 46 pitches – Pitcher eligible for next day unless it is the 3rd day in a row.
    2. Total pitch count for Game 1 and Game 2 greater than 45 pitches – Pitcher is not eligible for 3rd game and next day
  2. Game 1 Pitcher throws greater than 45 pitches – Pitcher not eligible for Game 2 or Game 3 and the next day
  3. Game 1 Pitcher does not pitch, throws less than 46 pitches in Game 2 – Eligible for Game 3
    1. Total Pitch count for Game 2 and Game 3 less than 46 pitches – Pitcher eligible for next day unless 3rd day in a row.
    2. Total Pitch count for Game 2 and Game 3 greater than 45 pitches – Pitcher not eligible next day.
  4. Game 1 pitcher throws greater than 45 pitches – Not eligible for Game 2, Game 3 and next day
  5. Game 1 pitcher does not pitch, throws more than 45 pitches in Game 2 – Not eligible for Game 3 and next day.

j) If a balk is called but the pitcher throws the ball it will count as a pitch thrown, even if it is not counted as a pitch for ball/strike purposes.

k) The official scorekeeper shall designate the official pitch count recorder.

l) The official pitch count recorder must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when requested by either manager or the umpire.

m) The official pitch count recorder shall inform the home plate umpire when a pitcher has delivered his/her limit of pitches for the game. The home plate umpire will then notify the pitcher’s manager that the pitcher must be removed.

Note: It is the responsibility of the manager to remove a pitcher when that pitcher is no longer eligible, even if the pitch count recorder and/or the umpire fail to notify the manager.

n) If a team has no remaining players eligible to pitch in a game, the opposing coach may designate a player who has yet to pitch in the game. This pitcher may not throw more than 30 pitches. If the limit is reached while facing a batter, the pitcher may pitch to the earlier of (i) the completion of that batter, or (ii) the end of the inning.


  1. At Minor Mosquito, Mosquito, Minor Peewee, Peewee, Peewee Girls, Minor Bantam, Bantam and Bantam Girls, pitchers may not pitch on 3 consecutive calendar days
  2. At Minor Midget, Midget, pitchers may not pitch on 3 consecutive calendar days unless:
    1. the pitcher threw 30 pitches or less on each of the first two days.
    2. the maximum number of pitches which may be thrown on the third day is 50.
  3. At Junior, Senior and Womens, there is no restriction on pitchers pitching on 3 consecutive calendar days.

p) Illegal pitching penalty: where a player throws more pitches than is permitted under f); or pitches without the rest required by P2.10 g); or pitches on 3 consecutive days in violation of o); or pitches and catches in the same game in violation of q), the penalty shall be forfeiture by the player’s team. A second violation by a team will result in the manager/head coach’s indefinite suspension.

q) At Minor Mosquito, Mosquito, Minor Peewee, Peewee and Peewee Girls, a player may not be a pitcher and a catcher in the same game.Where a game is suspended and completed on another day, a player may be a pitcher and a catcher in the same game so long as the player does not pitch and catch on the same day during the suspended game.

r) Pitches shall count on the calendar day on which the pitch is thrown. An exception shall be made where a game commences on one day and is played continuously past midnight. In that case, the pitches shall count as being thrown on the day on which the game commenced. In the case where a game is suspended, for whatever reason, on one day and resumed on a second day, pitches shall count on the calendar day on which the pitch is thrown (i.e. both parts of the game shall be considered on separate days). Where weather or other reasons cause the delay or postponement of a game or games, the time of the delay can count towards the nights rest required under g) and can constitute a break in the 3 consecutive day rule under n).

s) The pitching limits apply to every pitcher. For an ambidextrous pitcher, the limits and restrictions of P2.10 apply to the pitcher and not to each individual arm. For clarity, the pitches thrown with the right arm and left arm on a calendar day are added together to determine whether a pitch limit has been reached.

t) 8.06 c) of the Official Rules of Baseball does not apply where a coach/manager goes to the mound to remove a pitcher in order not to exceed the pitch limits of P2.10 g)” Note: For this to apply, the second trip must be after the last pitch which could be thrown without exceeding the particular pitch count limit of P2.10g). For example, after the 55thpitch but before the 56thpitch at Peewee or Minor Peewee.




26.  Lightning Safety Rule When thunder roars, go indoors! As soon as thunder is heard, the potential to be struck by lightning is present. Baseball Ontario mandates that at first sound of thunder, play is to be suspended and all participants are to seek shelter until 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.   See



27. Bench Restriction Rule

In 2016, Baseball Ontario introduced a new tool for umpires to assist with game management - the bench restriction. This rule allows an umpire to restrict a coach or manager to their bench for the remainder of the game when they commit minor violations. 






28.  Electronic Devices

The use and possession of electronic devices on the playing field is now prohibited by all participants. This includes the following devices:

  • Mobile phones

  • PDA

  • Pagers

  • Tablets

  • Laptops

  • Smart watches & Fitbits



Players, coaches, and managers will be instructed by the umpire to immediately remove them from the field of play. Failure to do so will result in ejection. Umpires who use electronic devices on the field during the game are subject to suspension and potential loss of accreditation. Exception: Dedicated watches, stopwatches and electronic pitch counters/indicators are permitted.


Important Note: It is critical for the safety of all participants that everyone is focused on the field of play while the game is in progress. The use of electronic devices during a game is distracting and dangerous. Even between innings, it is still unsafe to lose focus and become distracted. The intent of this rule is to keep everyone safe.

2017 Baseball Ontario Rule Changes


with specific reference to Compression Sleeves, New Mercy Rule, Electronic Device Clarification, Penalty for Not Wearing a Mask to Warm Up Pitchers, Pitch Count Requirements, Jewelry Rule

2018 Baseball Ontario Rule Changes

 with specific reference to pitcher's glove and pitch count violation and related penalty